
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [having the government run the business presents its own problems] Singularity Technology http://dld.bz/JJWm
Jonathan Alter: ".. the country would have slipped into an economic depression." [The Promise] Obama Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
Juliet B. Schor: Is there a sustainable way out of the work-spend cycle and the current economic crisis? [Plenitude] @WSJ http://dld.bz/KhPB
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Eduardo Porter: Waste confronts us with the same value proposition as anything else. [#Price of Everything] @NPR Books http://dld.bz/K7ZA
Measles remains deadly regardless of whether you live in the United States or in Uganda http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus autism mnookin
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Dark energy appears to hv been in place w/ its defining characteristic (negative pressure) for at least 9 billion years. http://dld.bz/HDrF
Jonathan Weiner: founders of modern science hoped to solve the problem of mortality. [Long for This World] Immortality http://dld.bz/KfRt
Voters in Pangasinan are eager to share their political views online. @NYT @NPR Blogs Elections Campaigns http://dld.bz/JpRu
According to Reza Aslan, Muslims have decided, in their secret .. democracy through art. [#Colbert Report Books] @BW http://dld.bz/NJXt
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
String theory smooths out the inconsistencies that exist between quantum mechanics and relativity. [Brian Greene] http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: "It's not enough to ask what successful people are like." Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/MVcG
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: [#Technology is playing an important role in facilitating these protests...] Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
The Chinese are increasingly suspicious that a wounded America is intent on thwarting their rise. [Zero-Sum Future] @WSJ http://dld.bz/KkVU
Morozov: The Net Delusion: "a dangerous illusion by suggesting the world can @Facebook its way to democracy" Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
"Hell, I know niggers a hundred years old look younger than those idjits out there." [Kathryn Stockett: The Help] http://dld.bz/N9PV
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Compassion impels us to put others at the center of the world. [Karen Armstrong: 12 Steps To A Compassionate Life] http://dld.bz/HtCM
The big EVO sports an 8-MP camera with a dual LED flash as well as a 1.3-MP front-facing camera for video-calling http://dld.bz/FFvv htcevo
John Maynard Keynes: "We have involved ourselves in a colossal muddle." [#Pulitzer Prize History Books] http://dld.bz/HXRm @HistoryChannel
Peggy Orenstein: Cinderella Ate My Daughter ".. accommodations, and meals for thirty pageants she'd attended in.." http://dld.bz/MYhU
Nunberg: Why did @SarahPalinUSA have to tie "blood libel" in with the whole Tucson shootings event? [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: If January 1975 was the dawn of the personal computer age, then who would be in the best.. http://dld.bz/MVcG
Edward Glaeser: "#Cities spur innovation by facilitating face-to-face interaction..." [Triumph of the City] Books http://dld.bz/NqHC
.. who has kept a low profile since resigning in 2006, uses the book to renew his long-running feud.. [Donald Rumsfeld] http://dld.bz/K9cd
Gleick: "... we're afraid that public water fountains are sources of contamination and contagion." [Bottled and Sold] http://dld.bz/Nt5S
"By the time unions came to strength.. economic development was in private hands." [.. Power in a Union] Books http://dld.bz/PD7q
"Students whose classes reflect high expectations learned more." [Academically Adrift] @NPR http://dld.bz/NBqm
.. I knew I was wrong to waste food. [Jonathan Bloom: American Wasteland] Nonfiction Books Economics @BFLAY http://dld.bz/K9QG
Mark Zuckerberg, "We're the sixth most trafficked site and we can't seem to get our act together." @Facebook @CNBC @NPR http://dld.bz/Jxnk
Susan Jacoby: "The myth of old-age wisdom requires freedom from youthful desires.."[Never Say Die] Ageism Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
Philip Dray: ".. people thought unions to be an obnoxious, unwelcome intrusion.." [There is Power in a Union] http://dld.bz/PD7q
There will be no banking or finance reform. The US is imploding, and @Facebook isn't helping! @NYTimeskrugman @RBReich http://dld.bz/JjaP
Peter Bergen: "... Al ­Qaeda’s aspirations and its #9/11 attack, the Bush administration’s panicky..." [The Longest War] http://dld.bz/N2zp
Teresa Wu, Serena Wu: "Mom: Won’t they mark you retarded? / Me: … No. I think you mean tardy, Mom." [My Mom is a Fob] http://dld.bz/NjvW
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: Take a look at the following list of numbers: 4,8,5,3,9,7,6. .. Nonfiction Books @NYT @NPR http://dld.bz/MVcG
"#Reading threatened to upstage real human contact.." Books Nonfiction http://bit.ly/hVqU2s
“Food Technology” is the processed foods industry’s trade journal or @Newsweek, U could say @MichaelPollan http://dld.bz/HfH5 fake organic
Sherry Turkle: we seem determined to give human qualities to objects. [#Alone Together] @Facebook @Twitter @MySpace http://dld.bz/JJWm
Economics really haven't changed any. It's all based on human "wage" slavery. See Robert Reich's Aftershock @WSJ @BW http://dld.bz/JjaP
Nancy Marie Brown: Pope Sylvester II was the leading mathematician and astronomer of his day. [#Abacus and the Cross] http://dld.bz/Ktxg
Glaeser: "Living in an urban apartment is the least Malthusian thing we can do in the sense.." [Triumph of the City] http://dld.bz/NqHC
Kurt Cobain: Buckinghamshire is where I want to go. I read Country Life magazine every week. I'm fed up .. ["Godspeed"] http://dld.bz/Pmqz
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: ..imagine if you had a day in the middle of August where the temperature fell below freezing. http://dld.bz/MVcG
Brian Greene: "How, Einstein asked, does gravity work?" [The Hidden Reality] Popular Science Books http://dld.bz/H4Pb


Jonathan Alter: "#Obama dented more immovable barriers than any president..." [The Promise] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
... the brain abhors discrepancies. It is seeking consistency. [VS Ramachandran: The Tell-Tale Brain] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/Nh9v
"Rome's system of imperial finance was far more solid than America's." [The New Empire of Debt] @TheEconomist @50Cent http://dld.bz/JjaP
Edward Glaeser understands the lure of big houses and lush lawns: he’s against subsidizing them. [Triumph of the City] http://dld.bz/NqHC
".. activists were working in government and business to press for more equality." [A Strange Stirring] Feminism Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
Peggy Orenstein: Cinderella Ate My Daughter: ... "one of the judgest is a man, so be sure to wink at him!" Girls Sex http://dld.bz/MYhU
Barack Obama, "I will soon announce a way forward in Iraq that leaves Iraq to its people and responsibly ends this war." http://dld.bz/KfxP
Robert Reich says d last time income was so concentrated at the top was before the Great Depression; that's no accident. http://dld.bz/JjaP
Joshua Foer: "..the Air Force furnishes amphetamine "go pills" to its combat.." [#Moonwalking with Einstein] Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
Measles remains deadly regardless of whether you live in the United States or in Uganda http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus autism mnookin
What do you feel are the most pressing issues facing America's economy? [#Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP @EconDebates @EconUS
"Alone Together" ... teenagers whose identities are shaped by how they are perceived by the online collective. @STurkle http://dld.bz/JJWm
Eugene Robinson sees 4 categories of black America, and Stephen should feel threatened by .. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
"We talk about spending hours on email but we too, are being spent," Alone Together concludes. @STurkle @randizuckerberg http://dld.bz/JJWm
I used the phrase in a Pentagon press conference one day, and that's when.. [Donald Rumsfeld] @pentagonchannel http://dld.bz/K9cd
Neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks writes about being diagnosed with a rare eye tumor. [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB
George W. Bush's writing is so evocative, Stephen feels like he's right there holding that.. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Nancy Marie Brown: This pope left us over 200 letters and a handful of scientific treatises. [#Abacus and the Cross] http://dld.bz/Ktxg
Barack Obama: "Well, I suspect that I sound incurably naive, wedded to lost hopes." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Stephanie Coontz: "#Friedan sometimes used dramatic formulations." Feminism [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
Mike Huckabee believes there aren't nearly enough potential presidential .. for Fox News. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
The Colbert Bump: Stephen Colbert looked across all of the Internets for the perfect story to feature in his "@Bing... http://dld.bz/NJXt
Scott Brown's revelations of sexual abuse as a child is either a political .. [Scott Brown: Against All Odds] Books http://dld.bz/NAtT
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: [... it was a @Facebook group called No Más FARC that got credited for this.. ] Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
Read Interesting Books- "We're not the first generation to invest reading with miraculous powers." http://bit.ly/hVqU2s
Teresa Wu, Serena Wu: ".. easy to clean and keeps us healthier. I just love my Morgan Freeman grill." [My Mom is a Fob] http://dld.bz/NjvW
Brian Greene: "How, Einstein asked, does gravity work?" [The Hidden Reality] Popular Science Books http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Andrew Sorkin: A market “gripped by a fear and disorder that no invisible hand could tame” http://dld.bz/Fmga 2big2fail Wall Street Finance
Devra Davis: "Cell phones seem essential to connecting you with whatever you want to do." [Disconnect] Radiation Books http://dld.bz/PtjN
Peggy Orenstein: Cinderella Ate My Daughter: The Barbie product's original target demographic was 8 to 12 years old. http://dld.bz/MYhU
Emily Lambert: The Futures: DeAngelis floated oil atop saltwater to create an impression that he had full tanks. Scam http://dld.bz/Jxnk
William A. Galston: Having the Federal Government go on a hiring spree to spur job creation is not the answer. Economics http://dld.bz/JjaP
Ray Kurzweil: Machines that can more precisely carry out their missions have increased value.. [The Singularity Is Near] http://dld.bz/JJWm
Sherry Turkle: "30 years ago, I joined the @MIT faculty to study computer culture."[Alone Together] @STurkle http://dld.bz/JJWm
Teofisto Guingona III knows how to employ the Internet during all phases of the election cycle http://dld.bz/JpRu @shalanisoledad @senmiriam
Emily Lambert: The Futures: In order to stay solvent, @CMEGroup began trading in pork bellies. @CNBC @NYTimesBusiness http://dld.bz/Jxnk
Stephen Colbert announces a recall of "I Eat America (And So Can You!)" due to a production error beyond his control. http://dld.bz/NJXt
John Maynard Keynes: "We have involved ourselves in a colossal muddle." [#Pulitzer Prize History Books] http://dld.bz/HXRm @HistoryChannel
"Students who spend more time in fraternities and sororities learn less." [Academically Adrift] Important Books http://dld.bz/NBqm
Barack Obama: [#War is bigger than any one man or woman, whether a private, a general or a president] @WhiteHouse @NPR http://dld.bz/KfxP
Stephen Baker: "..viewers might regard Watson as a fearsome competitor rather than a tech marvel." [Final Jeopardy] @IBM http://dld.bz/NrxD
Having kids too early limits educational potential. [Richard Settersten, Barbara E. Ray: Not Quite Adults] http://dld.bz/HCAE parenting
Hoffman: ... Reagan’s unshakable devotion to the Strategic Defense Initiative, "Star Wars." @KremlinRussia [Dead Hand] http://dld.bz/HXRf
Peggy Orenstein: Cinderella Ate My Daughter: "Perhaps you are no picturing poor, hapless girls who are submissive..." http://dld.bz/MYhU
If d universe is infinite, mor & mor of it will reveal itself 2 us, over time, as tht light comes our way. [Brian Greene] http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Bergen: "In his email messages, Atta posed as a university student writing to his girlfriend, Jenny." [The Longest War] http://dld.bz/N2zp
Mike Huckabee: "#Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office." [A Simple Government] Politics Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/PBaT
Edward Glaeser: "There’s nothing intrinsically bad about cities for schooling." [Triumph of the City] Cities Books http://dld.bz/NqHC
Dederer: Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "#Meat had become a problem." Parenting Organic Seattle Portland Books http://dld.bz/Pssq
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: @Google will not save you... Iran Egypt Books http://dld.bz/NdXf


Geoffrey Nunberg: Was Mark Fuhrman a racist or a Redneck racist? [N-Word, The Way We Talk Now] nigger @NPR @BBC http://dld.bz/JgwB
"Her experiences show just how critical adult mentors are in the college game." [Not Quite Adults] Parenting Books http://dld.bz/HCAE
Jonathan Alter: "From the start Obama was boxed in not only by the mess that Bush left him.." [The Promise] Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
Jonathan Alter: "#Roosevelt and Obama responded to their predicaments in similar ways." [The Promise] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: [Policymakers should not pay much attention to @Facebook-based activism..] Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
David Hoffman: There is a powerful link between a weak state, corruption and authoritarianism. Russia [The Oligarchs] http://dld.bz/Jxnk
Barack Obama, "This war diminishes our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy, and the..." http://dld.bz/KfxP
"I use my colored bathroom from now on." [Kathryn Stockett: The Help] Fiction Books http://dld.bz/N9PV
Peter H. Gleick: "Consumers must demand that water agencies adjust the chemical composition of tap..." [Bottled and Sold] http://dld.bz/Nt5S
I used the phrase in a Pentagon press conference one day, and that's when.. [Donald Rumsfeld] @Newsweek @us_navyseals http://dld.bz/K9cd
Robert Reich says d last time income was so concentrated at the top was before the Great Depression; that's no accident. http://dld.bz/JjaP
Edward Glaeser: ".. our urban schools continue to have significant problems." [Triumph of the City] Cities Books http://dld.bz/NqHC
Eric Kandel: ".. to understand the biological nature of the limits of free will.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind http://dld.bz/PCZC
Edward Glaeser: "I believe that high-rise living should be more available than it is now." [Triumph of the City] Books http://dld.bz/NqHC
@SingularityNews "A predicted future event in human history... speed up the rate new technologies are developed..." http://dld.bz/JJWm
Sherry Turkle describes technology today as a corporate trap that keeps us tethered to cellphones. [#Alone Together] http://dld.bz/JJWm
Stephen Colbert announces a recall of "I Eat America (And So Can You!)" due to a production error beyond his control. http://dld.bz/NJXt
Feminists and anti-feminists alike often attribute their own.. women’s movement to Friedan. [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
@BarackObama: "Well, I suspect that I sound incurably naive, wedded to lost hopes." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Naomi Klein: "Once a crisis has struck, capitalists imposed rapid and irreversible change .." [The Shock Doctrine] Books http://dld.bz/PsPb
Eric Kandel: ".. to understand the biological nature of perception.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind http://dld.bz/PCZC
If you push the math far enough, you can’t avoid the multiverse. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb cosmos books
"Only 5% of young adults earn a graduate or professional degree by 34 years old.." [Not Quite Adults] Books http://dld.bz/HCAE
Devra Davis: "#Cell phones neatly store all the music you want .." [Disconnect] Radiation Cancer Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/PtjN
In the late 90s it was suggested that grey dust could have been ejected from galaxies at early times. [dark energy] http://dld.bz/HDrF @NSF
Cell Phone Radiation Affects Normal Functioning of the Human Brain http://dld.bz/Pt4U
".. in neglecting the valuable history of unions we risk losing something worthwhile in ourselves." [#Power in a Union] http://dld.bz/PD7q
Stacy Schiff describes Cleopatra's appearance and her suicide after the death of Mark Antony. [Daily Show Books 2011] http://dld.bz/P6wd
Gideon Rachman: .. the belief that in a world in which democracy and capitalism were on the rise.. [#Zero-Sum Future] http://dld.bz/KkVU
Stephen Baker: "A Jeopardy computer would fail, embarrassing @IBM and the team." [Final Jeopardy] Books http://dld.bz/NrxD
Barack Obama, "As we mark the end of America's combat mission in Iraq, a grateful nation must pay tribute..." @CNN @NPR http://dld.bz/KfxP
Nancy Marie Brown: Islamic Spain was an extraordinarily tolerant culture. [#Abacus and the Cross] @news_va_en @DalaiLama http://dld.bz/Ktxg
Robert B. Reich: The broad middle class has to have enough buying power to rejuvenate the economy, longterm. [Aftershock] http://dld.bz/JjaP
Eric Kandel: ".. to understand the biological nature of perception.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind http://dld.bz/PCZC
Liaquat Ahamed: Gold was the lifeblood of the financial system. [#Pulitzer Prize History Books] http://dld.bz/HXRm @WSJ @TheEconomist @FT
Jennifer Ackerman: Why is the common cold still so common? [#Ah-Choo!] @NYTimesScience @WiredScience @Science @Time http://dld.bz/JgwB
Economic recovery will be painfully slow. [Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP @planetmoney @WSJ_Econ @financialtimes @Ian_Fraser
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: ... Andrew Sullivan a few hours after the news of the protests broke... Iran Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
Rumsfeld replied: "You go to war with the army you have." [Known and Unknown] @BlueStarFamily http://dld.bz/K9cd
Read Interesting Books- "Advice about when and where not to read was once a medical specialty." http://bit.ly/hVqU2s
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [I was working for a company that sold technologies designed to filter the Internet.] http://dld.bz/JJWm
Students whose classes reflect high expectations gained more than other students. [Academically Adrift] Nonfiction http://dld.bz/NBqm
".. it remains to be seen whether this century's great powers will live up to this role." [American Power] @KarlRove @NPR http://dld.bz/KkVU
The question of whether the Universe itself is flat remains a debatable topic. @NYTimesScience [dark energy] http://dld.bz/HDrF
Emily Lambert: The Futures: the Chicago Mercantile Exchange was brought to the brink of bankruptcy. @Forbes @BW @FT http://dld.bz/Jxnk
"He said he'd kill me." [Scott Brown: Against All Odds] Abuse Memoirs Books http://dld.bz/NAtT
Nixon: We’ll never use the damn germs, so what good is biological warfare as a deterrent? [The Dead Hand] @MedvedevRussia http://dld.bz/HXRf
Jonathan Weiner: SENS scribblings of 500 years, 1000 years... were like essays on Aladdin's lamp. [Long for This World] http://dld.bz/KfRt
David Kirkpatrick: The social network has become another place for the antisocial to wreak havoc. [@Facebook Effect] http://dld.bz/Jxnk
... the Soviet idea that one could predict a nuclear attack by a spike in prices for blood in Britain. [The Dead Hand] http://dld.bz/HXRf


Mike Huckabee: ".. Congress had spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop.." [A Simple Government] Politics Books http://dld.bz/PBaT
Eduardo Porter: .. relative costs and benefits open to them determine their behavior. [#Price.. Everything] Economics http://dld.bz/K7ZA
Jennifer Ackerman: The cold may be common but it's still a black hole of an ailment, ill understood. [Ah-Choo!] @SciFri http://dld.bz/JgwB
We can’t “see” the strings that are talked about in string theory. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb universe cosmos
Sherry Turkle: "I wanted to explore the inner history of devices." [@STurkle: Alone Together] Technology Books @Google http://dld.bz/JJWm
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [turning points of the century' s information landscape] @superwuster http://dld.bz/JJWm
David Hoffman: Boris Berezovsky was the most ambitious among the Russian Oligarchs. @KremlinRussia_E @i_Russia @CNBC http://dld.bz/Jxnk
@STurkle: "We have to find a way to live with seductive technology and make it work to our purposes." @jeffpulver @CNET http://dld.bz/JJWm
Steven Solomon: "Previously, man's impact on ecosystems had been localized and modest." [Water] Environment Books http://dld.bz/Nu4U
Teresa Wu, Serena Wu: ".. easy to clean and keeps us healthier. I just love my Morgan Freeman grill." [My Mom is a Fob] http://dld.bz/NjvW
Jonathan Weiner: SENS scribblings of 500 years, 1000 years... were like essays on Aladdin's lamp. [Long for This World] http://dld.bz/KfRt
J. Alter: "#Obama thought he could simultaneously transform the long 'arc' of American politics.." [The Promise] Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
For several decades, a highly-sophisticated bacteria called MRSA has spread rapidly through hospitals. @NYTimesHealth http://dld.bz/JgwB
Stephen Baker: "His system would be known as Basement Baseline." [Final Jeopardy] @IBM Watson AI Books http://dld.bz/NrxD
Stephen Baker: "In that sense, automation saved jobs." [Final Jeopardy] @IBM Watson Nonfiction Books AI http://dld.bz/NrxD
Maryn McKenna: "Tony was sliding into septic shock. Blood cells were clumping and clogging." [#Superbug] http://dld.bz/JgwB
Edward Glaeser: "#Cities encourage entrepreneurship..." [Triumph of the City] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/NqHC
Edward Glaeser explains how urban density contributed to the birth of restaurants. [Triumph of the City] Nonfiction http://dld.bz/NqHC
Stephen Baker: "If Watson can top them, what is this kind of intelligence worth?" [Final Jeopardy] @IBM http://dld.bz/NrxD
Glaeser would much rather see neighborhoods of skyscrapers than acres of suburban developments. [Triumph of the City] http://dld.bz/NqHC
Maryn McKenna: Almost every large hospital in the United States had detected at least one MRSA infection. [Superbug] http://dld.bz/JgwB
Neurologist Oliver Sacks has had to learn to adapt to a world that appears to be entirely flat. [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB
McKenna: MRSA doesn't need a cut in the skin in order to cause disease. [#Superbug] @jimmyfallon @kanyewest @DavidSpade http://dld.bz/JgwB
For several decades, a highly-sophisticated bacteria called MRSA has spread rapidly through hospitals. @NYTimesHealth http://dld.bz/JgwB
Ackerman explains why colds follow that familiar throat-to-nose-to-chest path of misery. [@NPRFreshAir Books] Sick http://dld.bz/JgwB
Stephen Baker: "@IBM was producing ever more sophisticated models." [Final Jeopardy] Watson AI Books Read more: http://dld.bz/NrxD
"Nick could be a lunatic, close to his daughter, close to his wife in their marital bed." [... When the Men Are Gone] http://dld.bz/JgwB
Russell Simmons: "... the book is not about me being enlightened, but about having faith in all the..." [Super Rich] http://dld.bz/NjvW